Saturday 9 February 2013

Smile and the whole world smiles with you

Smile and the whole world smiles with you. Heard this song few days back. I found it’s true. After you’ve read this I believe you are smiling now and do not let anything to stop that. Smile is the window of the soul. Smile is easy, free but creates a very good impression and provides enormous benefits, both for those who give and those given a smile.

Smiling is great way to make yourself stand out while helping your body to function better. Smile improves your health, your stress level, and your attractiveness. Smiling is just a fun way to live longer.
People who smile are often friendlier, have a better sense of humor and are more socially engaging.
A smile can start your day pleasantly. Make others understand that you are in a good mood. Promote positivity. Make others to put a smile on their faces.
Here are the many social, physical and mental benefits that something as simple as a smile can do!
Beauty benefits of Smiling:
Smiling makes us more attractive and competent. We are drawn to people who smile. We want to know a smiling person and want to know what is so good. There’s something remarkably irresistible about someone who isn’t afraid to flash those pearly whites. If you want to look better try adding a genuine smile. Smiling people are far more memorable than those that are not.
Smiling Changes Mood:
A happy smile brings a better feeling mood. Even when you feel down smiling can trick your body into changing your mood. Scientifically smiling and laughter helps to promote release of a “Feel good” group of hormones called endorphins. When you are feeling in anyway not on top of your form, smile for a while to boost your mood and energy levels. The effects of smiling can last for hours. When you are smiling you find whatever you are doing far easier.

Smiling is Contagious:
The more you smile the more the others will do. Most smiles are started by another smile. When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them and has more positive effect on the environment. When you smile at friends, family and even strangers you not only boost your own health and beauty, you also send a positive message that can potentially change someone else mood for the better. The stranger you graced with your smile may go on to pass the kindness to someone else. Who knows how far your original smile will travel?
Smiling relives Stress:
Most of the time we may not be able to avoid stress. It can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps us to prevent from tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When we are in stress, try to put on a smile on your face. The stress will be reduced and be better able to take action. Smiling is an excellent method of uplifting ones mood and energy, as well as ones effectiveness in the task at hand. Whatever problems and challenges you have in your life, smiling temporary puts them and hold. For a while you forget the problems and become positive, and while you are in a positive state you have far more potential and power to advance and improve your life.

Health benefits of Smiling:
Smile is a reservation for a person’s mental and physical health. It helps to reduce blood pressure. Smiling and laughing stimulate blood circulation and increase the body immunity against diseases, psychological health and life. It helps the brain to maintain a sufficient quantity of oxygen. Smile has positive effects on heart function and body and brain.  People who are optimistic and these are the people who are out there smiling are actually able to fight off illness better than pessimists.
Smiling makes you seem Successful:
Smiling people appear more confident and more likely to be approached. It can increase your chances of success. A healthy smile can help you make friends and help you succeed in career. It helps you stay positive.

Smiling Releases Happy Chemicals:
A happy smile, whether we are feeling actually happy or not releases endorphins, serotonin, and other biochemical substances in the body. Working in harmony, the effect of these changes in body chemistry is that we quickly start to feel happier. So, offering a smile at any time will clearly uplift one's mood and cultivate a more frequent state of happiness. Smiling is a natural drug.
The next time you’re tempted to face the world with a frown, remember another old quotation. “It takes seventeen muscles to smile and forty-three to frown”.
Think. How often do you smile a day? Do you smile when you meet new people? When you see your friends?  Around your co-workers? Smiling is best for you, your health and your social life.
If you don't start out the day with a smile, it's not too late to start practicing.
“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day “

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